Dates of next class

Sundays, March 16-April 27 (no class on Easter Day, April 20)  | 7-7:50 p.m.

St. Stephen’s Church welcomes all people, wherever you may be on life’s journey with the Spirit, and invites you into a full relationship with this faith community. “An Invitation to the Episcopal Church” (also called an inquirers class) is for those who are newer in this community and wish to learn more about the Episcopal Church, about St. Stephen’s, or are actively considering becoming a member. Not only do we recommend that you participate in this introductory class (offered each fall, winter, and spring), we invite you to establish a personal relationship with any member of the clergy staff. If you have no interest in joining the church, you still are invited to participate to learn about the church and connect with others who share your interest and presence in the community.

This introductory class is the first step for anyone who wishes to join the church from any other Christian tradition. The sessions are presented by several members of St. Stephen’s clergy and engage with foundational topics about beliefs and values, the Book of Common Prayer, worship and sacred time, leadership and organization, and also presents opportunities for fellowship and connection, learning and service.

Becoming a member: Membership at St. Stephen’s is about a depth of relationship and commitment in the community. In this church, all people are welcome to participate in worship and ministries, so membership is not about who may participate, who is in or out; instead, it is about claiming a commitment to the community Jesus calls together in this time and place to share God’s love and healing with all people.

Transferring from another Episcopal parish: If you wish to transfer your membership from another Episcopal parish to St. Stephen’s, you may initiate that process simply by emailing your request to Mary Feldman, executive assistant to the rector and vicar. Include the name and location of the parish from which you are transferring. We always invite you to connect with a member of the clergy to help establish a relationship here.

Becoming a member from another church tradition: If you are baptized in any other Christian tradition and wish to join the Episcopal Church, please meet with any member of the clergy and also register to participate in “An Introduction to the Episcopal Church.” Depending upon your church background, you either will be “received” or “confirmed” by a bishop during the next annual visitation in May.

If you wish to be baptized: To prepare for Baptism, register for this class and establish a relationship with a member of the clergy. Baptisms are held monthly throughout the year in different worship services. It normal after Baptism also to be confirmed during the bishop’s annual visitation.

The next visitation will take place Sunday, May 18, 2025.