Baptism & Other
Rites of the Church
Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and Burial
St. Stephen’s Church is here for you at every stage of life, from birth until death. This area of our website introduces you to the sacramental rites of the church.

Holy Baptism
Baptism is the sacrament signifying our identity as children of God.
Baptism serves, as well, as a sacrament of welcome into the Body of Christ—for children and adults. In it, we celebrate God’s love and embrace for God’s people as unconditional and absolute; we are “marked as Christ’s own forever,” making Baptism a sacrament that is done only once in a person’s life.
Baptism takes place within our regular Sunday worship services several times a year. For a list of dates, a request form, and other information, please read more about Baptism at St. Stephen’s.
In the Episcopal Church, Confirmation is the rite during which adults or teenagers make a mature public affirmation of the promises made on their behalf when they were baptized as babies or young children.
Adult candidates for Confirmation are prepared by a member of our clergy during an inquirers class; teenagers are prepared through our youth program. If you are coming to St. Stephen’s having been confirmed in another denomination, it may be that you will be “received” in the Episcopal Church; the preparation is the same as for Confirmation.
Confirmation is performed by a bishop, so it takes place once a year during St. Stephen’s visit from one of our bishops.
While Confirmation is a joyful occasion and we are delighted if you desire to be confirmed, please know that it is not a requirement for joining St. Stephen’s nor for receiving Holy Communion.

We are happy to explore your interest in having your wedding at St. Stephen’s Church. Our clergy, staff and volunteers will work with you to make the service a blessed one. Since St. Stephen’s is an active parish, not a wedding “venue,” your desire to be married in our sacred space signifies to us that you are committed to being active members of this or another a community of faith.
Weddings at St. Stephen’s are conducted according to the marriage liturgy found in the Book of Common Prayer and other liturgies authorized by the Episcopal Church. In the Episcopal Church, the sacramental rite of marriage is open to all, and there is an authorized a liturgy suitable for LGBTQ couples. It is similar to the service in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, though the liturgy is more inclusive than the traditional gendered language of the prayer book. In fact, some straight couples have also elected to use this more inclusive liturgy.