Christmas Services
Pageant and Live Nativity
The young people of St. Stephen’s Church take great joy in presenting the story of Christ’s birth in two annual events.
The Live Nativity
Thursday, December 19 | 5 to 6 p.m.
As evening comes on Thursday, December 19, children of the parish will gather outdoors in costumes–shepherds, angels, the Magi, and the Holy Family–portraying scenes from the Gospel accounts of the Nativity. They are joined by a live donkey and sheep. At each scene, an older child reads the story being portrayed, while youth and adults usher groups of visitors from scene to scene. The Live Nativity takes place from 5 to 6 p.m. (The rain date is Friday, December 20.) Refreshments are available. No sign-up is required for those touring the Live Nativity. (Sign-up has concluded for participants and volunteers.)
The Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 22 | During the 11:15 a.m. service
One of the oldest traditions at St. Stephen’s Church is a pageant which takes place within the 11:15 a.m. service on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. For many years, middle and high school youth have presented this offering; in 2024, young children will join the cast as animals at the stable. Passages from Old Testament prophets as well as Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth are read by youth as others present tableaux, in costume, on carts that move down the center aisle to music sung by the choir and congregation. (Sign-up has concluded for the participants.) Plan to arrive early since this service is one of our most well-attended.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services
Please note
- All services take place in the main church and will be livestreamed. (Livestream link)
- Overflow seating will be available in Palmer Hall and the fellowship hall; Palmer Hall features a “soft space” where younger
children can move freely or sit on floor cushions (parents must accompany children to the soft space). - Childcare is offered during services with an asterisk.
- All Christmas Eve services are preceded by a half-hour of music (1:30, 4:30, 7:30, and 10:30 p.m.)
- Please plan for your family or group to arrive early; seat-saving is not permitted.
We encourage people to arrive early for these well-attended Christmas Eve services to ensure that you can find seats with family or friends. It’s possible that you will arrive before or just as the previous service concludes and worshipers have not yet left the church (or staff and volunteers are re-setting the worship space). If that occurs and you are waiting outside, we will have a specific location for you to stand (indicated with stanchions) until the ushers open the doors to admit you. (This will be good practice for Easter services in the spring, when service times are more closely spaced!)
2 p.m., Holy Eucharist: Rite Two*
This child-friendly format includes a dramatic telling of the Christmas story in the Godly Play style and an invitation for the children to ring bells with the angels as part of the Eucharistic celebration. Music includes traditional carols and other music led by St. Stephen’s Choristers, members of St. Stephen’s Choir, and a string quartet.
5 p.m., Holy Eucharist: Rite Two*
This child-friendly format includes a dramatic telling of the Christmas story in the Godly Play style and an invitation for the children to ring bells with the angels as part of the Eucharistic celebration. Music includes traditional carols and other music led by St. Stephen’s Choristers, members of St. Stephen’s Choir, and a string quartet.
8 p.m., Celtic Christmas Service with Communion
Music will be led by three cantors, violin, cello and oboe; they will perform selections from Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols during the musical prelude and will lead traditional carols and play seasonal instrumental music during the service. Like our Sunday evening Celtic service, this one will include a brief reflection.
11 p.m., Traditional Christ Mass
Choral Eucharist: Rite One
St. Stephen’s Choir and orchestra will perform selections from
Part I of Handel’s Messiah during the musical prelude. Th e
choral Eucharist setting is by Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina
(Missa brevis) and the choir will sing pieces by John Rutter
and Healey Willan and lead traditional carols and hymns sung
by the congregation. The service will include Holy Communion and a sermon.
10:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
The rector will preach, and Sanctuary, the Compline choir, will lead traditional carols and perform pieces by Eleanor Daley and David Willcocks during this Communion service.
8 a.m., Holy Eucharist: Rite One
10 a.m., Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
5:30 p.m., Celtic Evensong and Communion
Note: no Sunday morning formation, Sunday Community Supper, or Compline
The regular Sunday worship schedule and the Sunday Forum resume January 5, 2025 (Christmas II). Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and youth Bible study resume January 12, 2025.
Click on the button to download a PDF of a print-friendly listing of these services.
See what each service will be like by looking at the service bulletins.
The Christmas Day service bulletin will be added to this page soon.