Resuming Sunday, August 4

Join us at 8 p.m. in the church for a 30-minute service with candlelight, light incense, and a liturgy chanted entirely by our Compline choir, Sanctuary. In addition to these chanted psalms and prayers, Sanctuary sing the following pieces in the coming weeks.

August 4 | Pentecost 11
Josef Rheinberger, Abendlied
Annabel Rooney, Round me falls the night
Phillip Cooke, Salve Regina

August 11 | Pentecost 12
Richard Dering, Contristatus est rex David
Joanna Forbes l’Estrange, The Lord’s Prayer
Dan Forrest, The sun never says

August 18 | Pentecost 13
Stephanie Martin, Christe qui lux es et dies
Brent te Velde, Te lucis ante terminum
Jean Mouton, Salva nos, Domine

August 25 | Pentecost 14
Eric Whitacre, Oculi omnium
Amy Beach, Nunc dimittis
Kim André Arnesen, Even when he is silent

September 1 | Pentecost 15
Thomas Tallis, I heard the voice of Jesus say
Tallis, In manus tuas Domine
Susan Powell, Keep watch, dear Lord

September 8 | Pentecost 16
Philip Radcliffe, God be in my head
Eleanor Daley, grandmother moon
Josef Rheinberger, Salve Regina

September 15 | Pentecost 17
Edward Elgar, How calmly the evening
Margaret Burk, The Lord’s Prayer
Gustav Holst, Evening Watch

September 22 | Pentecost 18
Raphaella Aleotti, Audivi vocem de caelo
Owain Park, Te lucis ante terminum
Adrian Batten, Hear my prayer, O God

September 29 | Pentecost 19
Alexander l’Estrange, God be in my head
Peter Aston, Nunc dimittis
Joanna Marsh, Evening Prayer