Email Newsletters
Email choices
Sign up to receive any of the following emails. We will never share your information with any outside party, and you may change your preferences or unsubscribe at any time.
eSpirit: our weekly email newsletter; comes out Thursday morning. This is also the email list for special announcements such as inclement weather postponements or cancellations.
Family ministry newsletter: focuses on offerings for children, youth, and their parents; comes out roughly every two weeks
Pastoral care announcements: sent when a parishioner dies and their family wishes the parish to know when a funeral or memorial service will be held. Also sent every other month with a list of baptisms and marriages which have taken place at St. Stephen’s Church.
Daily Advent meditations: during the season of Advent, reflections by lay people, clergy, and parish staff are sent each morning.
Women of St. Stephen’s: roughly once a month the leaders of this organization send information about upcoming programs for the entire parish, as well as news of their retail shop, the May Fair House.
Young adults: occasional emails about upcoming offerings for young adults
Compline: occasional emails about the Sunday evening service and other opportunities to hear Sanctuary, the Compline choir