Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the penitential season of Lent, and the day before is called “Shrove Tuesday.” This year, Shrove Tuesday is March 4 and Ash Wednesday is March 5.
At St. Stephen’s Church, our observance of Shrove Tuesday includes a pancake supper in the fellowship hall and a brief service in the courtyard where we burn dried palms left from the previous year’s Palm Sunday services. The ashes from this fire are used during Ash Wednesday services the next day.
In some parts of Europe and the Americas, Shrove Tuesday is the last day of Carnival. In historically Francophone cultures it is known as Mardi Gras (French for “Fat Tuesday”), as any visitor to New Orleans will attest.
The name “Shrove Tuesday” comes from the verb “to shrive” which means to absolve people of their sins. During the Middle Ages, “shriveners” (priests) heard people’s confessions in preparation for Lent.
Traditionally, those who fasted during Lent did not consume milk or eggs, so the practice was to use up those ingredients on Shrove Tuesday, before the fast began–hence pancakes. Variations on this tradition are observed in many countries, including Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada. In Sweden, Iceland and some parts of the United States, Shrove Tuesday menus offer other time-honored fare, including salt ham, peas, pea soup and other foods.
At St. Stephen’s, the menu will include:
- Pancakes
- Scrambled eggs
- Sausage and vegetarian “sausage”
- Potatoes
- Juice, decaf coffee
There are two seatings for the supper, one at 5:30 p.m. and one at 6:30 p.m. While reservations are not strictly necessary, it’s helpful for us to know how many to expect at each seating. The cost is $10 per person, with a $30 maximum for a family.
Burning the palms
At 6:15 p.m., we will burn dried palm branches, and the ashes will be used at Ash Wednesday services the next day. If you have palms saved from last year, you may bring them in for our bonfire. If you bring them before Shrove Tuesday, you can leave them in a basket at Information Central. If you wait until Shrove Tuesday, please bring them to the courtyard by 6 p.m.
Kitchen volunteers
Volunteers work with staff to prepare and serve the meal. Will you help?