Will you do your part for your church?

Thank you for your commitment to your baptismal faith, and for your commitment to the share mission of St. Stephen’s Church.

Please insert amount in the field. This commitment, made in faith, may be increased or decreased if your circumstances change. Thank you for your support of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church.
What Sunday worship service(s) do you USUALLY attend in person? (You may select more than one.) *(Required)

Your Pledge

You may fulfill your pledge with weekly, monthly, or annual donations, online or by check, or with gifts of stock. To make a stock gift, please contact Susan McNamara in the parish office for instructions, [email protected] or 804.288.2867. If you wish to make donations in cash, please ensure that your donation is in an envelope with your name so that we can post it to your giving record. The Legacy Society is a group of parishioners who have included St. Stephen's Church in their estate plans.
Would you like to receive information about planned giving and the Legacy Society?(Required)