At St. Stephen’s Church, women and men have several opportunities to participate in small groups with a special focus, including the altar guild, the flower guild, the icon writers guild, the prayer shawl knitters and stitchers, and the needlepoint guild.

Altar Guild

The altar guild prepares the church for each service of Holy Eucharist, setting the altar with the elements for Communion, as well as for special services. The altar guild also prepares Communion kits for clergy and lay visitors who take the sacrament to those who are unable to come to church because of illness or another reason. Members of the altar guild are grouped in teams so that those who are new to this ministry can learn from others, and so that no one person or team has sole responsibility for these important tasks.

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Flower Guild

The flower guild prepares fresh flowers and greenery for services at St. Stephen’s, including regular Sunday worship, funerals, weddings, and special services. In many churches, the altar guild assumes this responsibility, but at St. Stephen’s, as in other large churches and cathedrals, the flower guild focuses on beautiful floral arrangements so that the altar guild may focus on its important work. Like the altar guild, the flower guild is organized by teams. Send an email to the flower guild chair for more information.

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Icon Writers Guild

The icon writers guild formed after several students who had enjoyed the annual icon writing workshop wanted to continue the practice year-round. Groups meet at designated times in a room in the parish house to work on icons together. (If you have never written an icon before, it’s a good idea to attend the icon workshop before joining this group.)

Barbara Massey is the contact for the icon guild. You can reach her by using our contact form.



Prayer Shawl Knitters and Stitchers

Prayer shawl knitters knit or crochet shawls for parishioners who are ill, homebound, or experiencing some situation that calls for a tangible expression of our love and prayers for them. Recently this ministry added lap quilts to their repertoire.

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Needlepoint Guild

The needlepoint guild formed after the completion of our centennial building project. The renovation of the church included the introduction of more than 50 beautiful new cathedral chairs in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, and continued with kneelers in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. They are now focused on the wide kneelers in the main part of the church. This guild also offers a group for stitchers of all abilities.

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Reach out to get more information about guilds at St. Stephen’s.

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