Prayer Requests
Prayer is at the heart of our life as a faith community. At St. Stephen’s Church, we pray for one another in several ways, and invite you to request prayer by the clergy, the parish, or the Daughters of the King.
Let’s Pray Together
Each morning at 8:10 in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, people gather for Morning Prayer and Holy Communion, a brief service of prayers, psalms, a reading from Scripture, and communion from the reserved sacrament. During this service, we pray silently and aloud for our own needs and those of others. If you have a prayer concern that you wish to be included in our prayers during Morning Prayer, please use this form to send a confidential request. This could be a prayer for yourself or for a loved one, friend, or colleague.
You may also request that someone be added to the printed prayer list that is included in our Sunday service bulletins. Before asking that someone else be added to the published prayer list, please ask their permission.
You may request prayer by the Daughters of the King, a group of women who offer intercessory prayer on behalf of those who request it; these prayer requests are held in strict confidence, and are not included in the prayer list.
In addition to these opportunities (which you may request using the form below), you may attend the Celtic Service where healing prayer is offered.
May God’s peace be with you.