The Legacy Society

The hope for every generation is to make life better for those who follow. For more than 100 years, St. Stephen’s Church has provided spiritual sustenance to its members and the surrounding community, through worship and prayer, Holy Baptism, marriage, burial, pastoral care, Christian education for all ages, fellowship, and outreach to the poor and marginalized in Richmond and throughout the world. During our first century, this parish’s reach has grown wider and its impact has grown deeper. The world is hungry for what St. Stephen’s offers, and we must do all we can to ensure that it continues to serve as a beacon for generations to come. St. Stephen’s Church—its clergy, its people, its ministries—has been here for us in times of joy and sorrow. What better way to express our gratitude than to leave a legacy of support for this very special church and its continuing ministry?

Those who have made provision for the ongoing vitality of St. Stephen’s Church in their estate planning are considered members of the Legacy Society. There are many ways to do this, from bequests to trusts to life insurance, and members of the Legacy Society Committee are happy to discuss these options in light of your individual goals and circumstances.

Planned giving can be an option regardless of means or age.

Knowing that you have provided for your church and for generations to come is its own reward, but there are additional benefits to being a member of the Legacy Society, including annual dinners especially for members, as well as seminars on tax and estate planning and investing.

To discuss planned giving and St. Stephen’s Church, please be in touch with Fred Staley at  804.288.2867 or by email.


In 1949, five St. Stephen’s parishioners established the St. Stephen’s Church Endowment Fund to help ensure the church’s long-term financial well-being. As of the end of 2023, the endowment had grown to over $6.5 million thanks to the many parishioners who have made gifts and bequests over the years to continue their support of St. Stephen’s in perpetuity. In 2023, the endowment made distributions totaling $252,959 to St. Stephen’s operating fund.

The endowment fund’s board is comprised of five trustees each of whom serve three-year terms. Two members of the board are appointed by the vestry of St. Stephen’s from among its current members. The senior warden and rector also attend endowment fund meetings. Current trustees are John Crowder, Rich Dagger, Bobby Fauntleroy, Penn Rogers, and Eric VanDerHyde.

Contact Us

To learn more about planned giving, the Legacy Society, and St. Stephen’s Endowment,
contact Fred Staley, Executive Director of Church Operations.
