Ready to get connected?

“Plugging in” at a large parish can be a challenge at first. At St. Stephen’s Church, there are numerous ways to plug in, from small groups to volunteer or outreach opportunities to choirs to classes. You are welcome to take part in just about anything this community offers–as a visitor, a newcomer, or a member. You might visit the Farmers Market @ St. Stephen’s on Saturday morning, or join a small group. You could attend a parish supper on Wednesday or Sunday, or attend a newcomers reception or the inquirers class (described below). Serve in one of our many guilds, committees, groups, or outreach ministries. Spend some time on this website to see what’s available to you.

We also recommend that you subscribe to the eSpirit, our weekly email newsletter. You do not need to be a member to subscribe to this free weekly email newsletter, and you may unsubscribe at any time. Be assured that we will not give your email address to any outside party.


And of course, feel free to contact us with any questions.


An Invitation to the Episcopal Church

An Invitation to the Episcopal Church–sometimes called an Inquirers Class –is especially for those who are new to the Episcopal Church, but it can be an enriching experience for any who simply want to deepen their knowledge or who’d like a refresher. It serves as preparation for adults to be confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church during our annual visit from one of our bishops.

When the class is scheduled, we post the dates and times here, and announce them in the Spirit and eSpirit.

Next class: Sunday evenings at 7 p.m., March 16 – April  27, 2025 (no class Easter Day, April 20)

Newcomer Gatherings

A few times during the year, the rector and other members of the parish staff host a reception especially for those who are new to this community of faith. And the definition of “new” is completely up to you!

If you’ve recently joined St. Stephen’s Church, or you have visited but have not yet decided whether this will become your church home, please come to the next reception on Thursday, January 30, 5:30-7 p.m.  

These gatherings are very informal. We serve appetizers, wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages.


Joining St. Stephen’s

If you are new to St. Stephen’s Church you may well want to spend some time getting to know this community of faith before deciding whether to become a member. But if you’re thinking about it and you have questions, or you know you want to join and are wondering what the next steps are, don’t hesitate to contact us. Spoiler alert: it’s pretty simple!

And remember that you are welcome to participate in anything at St. Stephen’s, whether you’re a member or not.
