The Sunday Forum

10:10 a.m. in the fellowship hall (and livestreamed)
No registration is needed.

Videos of recent forum presentations are available at the bottom of this page.

The Sunday Forum returns January 5, 2025 with an exciting array of speakers in four multi-part series:

  • Our Sacred Space
  • Light in the Darkness
  • New Wineskins
  • Journey Inward. Journey Outward

Our Sacred Space
January 5, 12, 19

At St. Stephen’s Church, we are immersed in beauty. For the first three Forums of 2025, we will see how our surroundings can draw us closer to God. Come to the Forum to consider how this visual beauty deepens our spiritual journey.

On January 5 and 12, a panel of St. Stephen’s parishioners will explain the Gothic style that characterizes our church building and adjoining parish house. Delving deeper on January 12, the panel will describe the power of stained-glass windows and wood carvings to enliven the worship space as well as our spiritual lives. Tony Anthony, Charlie Caldwell, Scott Finn, Colleen Hewitt, and Jim Snowa offer expertise in architecture, design, and the history of St. Stephen’s Church.

Watch video of these sessions by scrolling to the bottom of this page.

See the slides presented January 12.

On January 19, our speakers will be members of St. Stephen’s needlepoint guild, including two artists who designed and painted canvasses stitched by talented volunteers. Led by Marie Carter, this panel discussion will point out that some of our parishioners contributed Scripture verses and suggested church scenes for kneelers. You will also learn about the history of the needlework at the Communion rails and the current pew kneeler project.

Light in the Darkness
January 26, February 2, February 9, February 16

This four-week series focuses on mental health and wellness, including addiction, anxiety, and other issues from youth and adult perspectives.

January 26
Mental health in the digital age

Our series will begin with the Rev. Amelia Arthur, chaplain at St. Catherine’s School, and the Rev. Dr. Karen-Marie Yust, Josiah P. and Anne Wilson Rowe Professor of Christian Education at Union Presbyterian Seminary. Amelia and Karen-Marie will consider the impact of technology on mental health, especially among children and youth. Can technology be a source of connection and healing rather than a detriment to mental wellbeing?

February 2
Mental wellness and the life of faith at St. Stephen’s Church
A panel of St. Stephen’s parishioners will share stories of their own struggles with mental health and addiction, reflecting on the relationship between mental and spiritual help. Panelists will also share ways faith and church community sustain them through seasons of difficult mental wellness.

February 9
Information coming soon.

February 16
Promoting Wellness for All
St. Stephen’s clergy of St. Stephen’s will discuss local resources for mental health care and maintenance. Through facilitated table conversation, parishioners will share their own experiences of mental health and reflect on tools for the journey.

February 23
There will be no Sunday Forum on February 23, when we hold our annual parish meeting and vestry election during the usual formation time.

New Wineskins
March 2, March 9, March 16

New Wineskins is a three-part series on ministry innovation, locally and globally, past and present.

March 2
Innovation from across the pond
See an engaging, recorded conversation with the Very Rev. Dr. David Montieth, Dean of Canterbury Cathedral in the Church of England, the mother church of our Anglican tradition. The Rev. Will Stanley will speak with this spiritual leader who has a history of leading innovative ministry in historic churches and cathedrals.

March 9
Innovation from our diocese and beyond
St. Stephen’s clergy will be joined by Canon Heidi Kim, interim Canon for Discipleship for the Diocese of Virginia. Canon Kim will share stories of ministry innovation in our diocese and in the broader church.

March 16
Innovation at St. Stephen’s Church
The series concludes with a dynamic panel highlighting the rich history of ministry innovation right here, specifically Palmer Hall and the Celtic service. The Rev. John Rohrs will lead a conversation with the Rev. Abby Kocher and a parish leader to speak about Palmer Hall, along with the Rev. John Jenkins and Michael Simpson, former associate director of music and a leader in the birth this unique service, where we continue to use many of his compositions and arrangements.

Journey Inward, Journey Outward
March 23, 30, April 4

As we journey toward Holy Week and the mystery of Easter, we offer a three-part series exploring the inseparable creative tension between the inward and outward journey of the Spirit. This series is equally practical and inspiring.

March 23
Praying with Labyrinths
The Rev. John Jenkins, associate rector, and the Rev. Craig Kocher, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life at The University of Richmond, will introduce and reflect on the practice of praying by walking/tracing labyrinths, including outdoor labyrinths in Richmond and the new St. Stephen’s indoor labyrinth. Brent te Velde will discuss the Compline choir’s Lenten concert inspired by the inward/outward motions of the labyrinth, to be held March 26.

March 30
An Incarnated Journey
The Rev. James Marsh, a leader from The Church of the Savior in Washington, D.C. In conversation with John Jenkins, Jimmy will share stories about the generative power of God’s grace unleashed through a particular church community’s commitment to the journey inward and the journey outward. These stories invite us to reflect on our journey inward and outward as a church in Richmond, Virginia.

April 6
At the Threshold
As Lent draws us to the threshold of Holy Week, we conclude the season with a structured time for thoughtful reflection and conversation, gathered around tables. The clergy will provide questions and facilitation as we revisit and reflect on themes and insights gleaned from topics we have explored in the Forum throughout Lent.

There is no Sunday morning formation on Palm Sunday, April 13, or Easter Day, April 20.