Wednesday evening for adults
Wednesday evening is another gathering time for St. Stephen’s, with a mid-week supper, youth choir rehearsal, and several small groups. This is also a time when we offer occasional programs, listed below; watch the Spirit and eSpirit for additional announcements.
The menu for the mid-week supper (September-May) is available each week on this page.
Wednesdays this winter and spring
January 15 and January 22 | 6:30 p.m.
Seeing the World Through Spiritual Lenses
On January 15, parishioner Kim Schmidt, a skilled and in-demand professional photographer, will present “Photography as a Tool for Creative Worship, Connection and Community.” Kim has an impressive portfolio including work with various educational and nonprofit organizations. Her photographs encompass a variety of personal, cultural, and social situations. She is at home with notable public figures and with people on the streets facing basic life challenges. This visual storyteller captures images of daily struggle as well as change and the people who inspire it.
On January 22, Roman Williams will present “Seeing the Sacred through Interfaith Lenses.” A few years ago, Roman led a project in interfaith relations that included Richmond and convened at St. Stephen’s Church. Just a few weeks ago, Sacred Snaps, the co-authored book describing the project, appeared in print. Photovoice–of which Roman is founder–is a process that invites people to use their smartphone cameras to compose photos of their everyday lives, then share their stories with people from different religious, spiritual, and secular backgrounds. Through this process participants develop relationships across difference that build religious empathy and vision for the common good. Roman holds a Ph.D. in the sociology of religion from Boston University and a Th.M. focused on global religions from Gordon-Conwell Seminary. He has been a college teacher and academic administrator.
All are invited to these programs. Please bring a camera (a camera phone is fine).
January 29
CrossOver Healthcare Ministry
Learn about this Richmond nonprofit organization that provides high-quality medical care to uninsured people and those on Medicaid when Jackie Griggs, their director of resource development and communications, visits St. Stephen’s. CrossOver has received grants and volunteer support from St. Stephen’s and the Women of St. Stephen’s over the years. No registration is needed for this free event hosted by the Women of St. Stephen’s.
February 2, 9, 16, 23
As We Age: A Wednesday Evening Series
The challenges are obvious. Yet, as we age, opportunities surface and wait for us to grasp them. By faith, aging can be a redemptive journey toward wholeness. The spiritual possibilities can blossom as at no other phase of life. In a series of presentations over the four Wednesday evenings of February, we can discover the true meaning of aging, and recognize that at any stage of life we can discover God as never before.
On Wednesday, February 5, Bill Sachs will draw on Richard Rohr’s book, Falling Upward. Rohr speaks of a “spirituality for the two halves of life” in which simplistic views of gain and loss prove unreliable. Aging is a spiritual journey, an unavoidable trek that is filled with possibilities for freedom and discovery. Thus, Bill’s title is “Aging as a Spiritual Journey.”
On February 12, we will hear a doctor’s view of aging. “Aging as a Physical Journey” seems to be an obvious topic. But Amy McConnell, MD, will describe not simply how our bodies age, but how we can manage our health to offer the fullest possible life.
On February 19, the Rev. Shirley Smith Graham, who serves on the staff of the Diocese of Virginia, will join us for “God is Not Elsewhere: Realizing the Rich Spiritual Lives of Older Adults,” she will underscore the discoveries possible. Shirley brings considerable experience in personal and congregational development, as her breadth of insight will reveal.
On February 26, the last presentation in the series, parishioner Lynn Ivey will describe the practical dimensions of caring for a loved one. “Aging Independence Begins with a Safe Home” will draw together the hopes and concerns this series has described. We will find the spiritual through the practical, the possibilities through the hurdles. Within aging’s obvious aspects, God calls us toward our true selves.
Join us at 6:30 p.m. in Palmer Hall, following our midweek parish supper in the fellowship hall. All are invited, and no registration is needed.
March 5 is Ash Wednesday; there will be no Wednesday supper or programs that evening.
March 12 and 19 and April 2 and 9
Hymns for Lent
In 2022, Christopher Lindbloom gave a presentation on Advent hymns that was so well-received that we followed it with Wednesday evening presentations on the same topic. This spring, Chris will offer a four-week series on hymns used in Lent. (Please note that between the first two and the second two presentations, there will be a break for a concert featuring Sanctuary.)
March 26 (7 p.m.)
Labyrinth concert featuring Sanctuary
For the first time, Sanctuary, our Compline Choir, will offer a concert during Lent. The program is inspired by the meditative practice of walking the labyrinth. Details are here.
April 2 and 9
Final two sessions of Chris Lindbloom’s series on hymns for Lent