Coming Soon: Information Sessions

Information sessions for parents and youth to learn about the program and expectations:

    • Sunday, September 8, 12:30 p.m. in the Small Fellowship Hall
    • Wednesday, September 18, 6:30 in the Small Fellowship Hall

Register for one of these sessions when you complete the family ministry registration form.

Confirmation is the Christian rite of passage in which a baptized person makes a public affirmation of their faith in Christ and commitment to follow Christ’s way of life. For young people, Confirmation also is a step across a primary threshold between childhood and early adulthood. The young person claims responsibility for the vows made to God on their behalf at Baptism by their parents and godparents (The Book of Common Prayer, 302-305). From this point forward, the confirmand exercises their agency to grow in faith and observance, otherwise known as discipleship. Confirmands thus affirm both their true identity in Christ and accept the implications of embodying the Christian way of sacrificial love, compassion, forgiveness, service, and trust in God.

Our program provides youth, who typically participate during the ninth grade year, with a path and space for spiritual growth and maturation, an experience of Christian community among both peers and adults, times and spaces for authentic and brave engagement with the content of our faith, as well as learning practices for living joyfully and faithfully.

Confirmation preparation includes attendance at Sunday evening classes; each student can miss one of the six sessions. Classes meet in person each month from October through April.

Each session focuses on the assigned chapter from My Faith, My Life by Jenifer Gamber. Each student needs a copy of the book, available at many online booksellers.

Confirmands must attend the Confirmation retreat on April 26, 2025.

Confirmands and their parents must attend one of the information sessions listed at the top of this page.

Each student must meet with a mentor of their choosing at least once each month.

Each must participate in at least one St. Stephen’s ministry such as acolyte service, adult ushering, preparing/serving a Sunday supper, or another commitment approved by the family ministry staff.

Active attendance and participation in youth group and youth events are expected of Confirmation students.

Required information session (youth and parents must attend at least one of the sessions)
Sunday, September 8, 12:30 p.m. in the Small Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, September 18, 6:30 in the Small Fellowship Hall

The six sessions in the Small Fellowship Hall from 6:30 to 8 p.m., each beginning with supper.
Session 1: Sunday, October 27
Session 2: Sunday, November 10
Session 3: Sunday, December 8
Session 4: Sunday, January 12
Session 5: Sunday, February 2
Session 6: Sunday, March 23.

Required Confirmation Retreat: Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • The retreat location is TBD.
  • The cost of $50 per confirmand includes lunch and facility use. More details and registration to come.

Registration for youth Confirmation is included as one of the options in the integrated family ministry registration form.