Sunday Formation for Adults
Sunday morning formation takes place from 10:10 until 11 a.m.
For adults, this includes the Sunday Forum in the fellowship hall (also livestreamed); Many Parents, One Vine; and this fall, “An Introduction to the Episcopal Church” (often called the inquirers class).
In the evening, between the contemplative service of Celtic Evensong and Communion (5:30 p.m. to about 6:30 p.m.) and the sung Compline service (8 to 8:30 p.m.) we offer a series called Trailheads. Those who wish may pick up supper at the Sunday Community Supper and bring it to the Café @ St. Stephen’s where Trailhead sessions take place, 7-7:50 p.m. (Please note that Trailheads does not convene every week; check this page and the Spirit and eSpirit for dates, speakers, and topics.)
Registration is not required for most Sunday formation offerings. The planners of Many Parents, One Vine, remind parents to complete the all-purpose family registration form which includes this offering. Registration is requested for An Introduction to the Episcopal Church. This class is offered a few times a year, sometimes on Sunday mornings, sometimes on weeknights.
The Sunday Forum
10:10 a.m. in the fellowship hall (and livestreamed)
The Sunday Forum returns January 5, 2025 with an exciting array of speakers in four multi-part series:
- Our Sacred Space (January 5, 12, 19)
- Light in the Darkness (January 26, February 2, 9 and 16)
- New Wineskins (March 2, 9, 16)
- Journey Inward. Journey Outward (March 23, 30, April 4)
Detailed descriptions of topics and speakers for each week are here.
There is no Sunday Forum on the following dates:
- February 23: annual parish meeting and vestry election take place
- April 13: Palm Sunday
- April 20: Easter Day
- May 18: The Bishop’s Visit
Many Parents, One Vine
10:10 a.m. in Room 14
Planned and led by the Rev. Cate Anthony with Andrew Robertson, Paula Chambers, Scott Mates, Julie and Farmer
This staff and lay-led parenting support group addresses topics relevant to family life. This is a space to grow in faith and connect with other parents in mutual affirmation. Raising children takes a village and together, connected to the vine, we are stronger parents. Members of the leadership team facilitate the Sunday sessions with an opportunity for open dialogue and questions. All are welcome and no registration is required, though it’s helpful to the parent team if you complete the family ministry registration.
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church
Sundays at 7 p.m. in the Café @ St. Stephen’s
March 16 – April 27 (except April 20, Easter Day)
Led by St. Stephen’s Clergy
This introductory class is ideal for those who wish to understand more about this church—our identity, origins, worship, beliefs, practices, and more—especially if you are newer or newly interested. This is excellent preparation if you are considering joining the church, but it also is a supportive place to seek answers to questions.
January 12, 7–7:50 p.m., in the Café @ St. Stephen’s
Stories from the Camino de Santiago
Gather with pilgrims who have walked the “Way of St. James” to share life-giving stories. The Camino is a network of walking routes throughout France and Spain that converge on the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. For this evening, we invite pilgrims of the Camino throughout Richmond to converge at St. Stephen’s Church, making connections and sharing stories. Some stories will be shared for all to enjoy, others will be shared in small table groups. Open to everyone, most of all to those who have not experienced the Camino.
January 19 to March 2 (except February 23) 7–7:50 p.m. in Palmer Hall Chapel
Radical Optimism: Practical Spirituality in an Uncertain World
“The life of the whole world may depend on learning to dream radical and realistic dreams. At last, a book that offers solid metaphysical underpinnings for contemplation.”—Brother David Stendl-Rast, OSB
Radical Optimism by Beatrice Bruteau is about participating with God in the co-creation of reality—through prayer and action, particularly in the face of present uncertainties and (referred to as the meta-crisis). This book discussion group is open to all and will be facilitated by John Jenkins and occasionally by Cate Anthony. Read along or simply come and listen; all are welcome. No registration required. Order the book today.
You can purchase or order the book from your local bookseller, or from one of these online sources.
Sentient Publications
We’ll discuss the chapters as follows
- January 19, through chapter 2
- January 26, chapter 3
- February 2, chapter 4
- February 9, chapter 5
- February 16, chapter 6
- February 23, no group
- March 2, chapter 7
February 23
Annual Meeting/Parish Update
Members of St. Stephen’s Sunday evening community are invited to gather at the community supper for a reprise of the morning’s official annual meeting. Hear important community news and updates from the rector and other parish leaders. Time is reserved for questions and discussion.
The Trailheads book discussion on Beatrice Bruteau’s book Radical Optimism resumes March 2 for its final session.