Lent at St. Stephen’s
The 40 days of Lent provide time for reflection and recommitment. We use this time to rend our hearts, in the words of the prophet Joel–to acknowledge and lament the ways we obscure God’s dream for the world. We rend our hearts and ask God to recast them, to create in us new hearts, that we may love as God loves and share in the renewal of creation. Please join us in these weeks ahead. Our services each Sunday are held at 8:00, 9:00, and 11:15 a.m., and at 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. We also provide formation offerings during this season to which all are welcome. We hope you will join us.
Ash Wednesday services
March 5, 2025
Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
7:30 a.m. in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd (no music)
Noon in the church (with music)
5:30 p.m.* in the church (with music)
*Nursery available
There is no Morning Prayer or Wonderful Wednesday supper on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday services livestream
Sundays in Lent
Through April 6 (schedule changes for Palm Sunday and Easter Day)
8 a.m., Holy Eucharist: Rite One in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd
9 a.m. in the main church, Holy Eucharist: Rite Two*
9 a.m. in Palmer Hall, Holy Eucharist: Rite Two*
10:10 a.m., Formation and education for all ages*
5:30 p.m. in the main church, Celtic Evensong and Communion*
6:30 p.m., Sunday Community Supper in Fellowship Hall
7 p.m., ‘Invitation to the Episcopal Church’ in the Café @ St. Stephen’s (read more and register here)
8 p.m., sung Compline in the church
On Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday) and Sunday, April 20 (Easter Day) the scheduled changes. The early service begins at 7:30 a.m., and there is no Sunday Forum nor other morning formation.
Livestreams of Sunday services are here.
Formation offerings, Sundays and weekdays
Sunday formation for all ages
On Sunday mornings in Lent, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for young children and elementary ages, youth Bible study for those in grades 6 through 12, and Many Parents, One Vine for parents of children and youth, continue on the top floor of the parish house.
The Sunday Forum meets in the fellowship hall and Lent will include two series (descriptions of individual sessions are here).
March 2, March 9, March 16: New Wineskins
A three-part series on ministry innovation, locally and globally, past and present.
March 23, 30, April 6: Journey Inward, Journey Outward
As we journey toward Holy Week and the mystery of Easter, we offer a three-part series exploring the inseparable creative tension between the inward and outward journey of the Spirit. This series is equally practical and inspiring.
Sunday evening:
Invitation to the Episcopal Church
March 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, 27; May 4
7 to 7:50 p.m. in the Café @ St. Stephen’s
This introductory class is the first step for anyone who wishes to join the church, either from another Christian tradition or to prepare for the initiatory rite of Holy Baptism. The sessions are presented by several members of St. Stephen’s clergy and engage with foundational topics about beliefs and values, the Book of Common Prayer, worship and sacred time, leadership and organization, and also presents opportunities for fellowship and connection, learning and service.
Wednesday evening: Hymns for Lent
March 12 and 19, April 2 and 9 at 6:30 p.m.
In 2022, parishioner Dr. Christopher Lindbloom gave a presentation on Advent hymns that was so well-received that we followed it with Wednesday evening presentations on the same topic. This spring, Chris will offer a four-week series on hymns that we will sing in Lent. (Please note that between the first two and the second two presentations there will be a break for a concert featuring Sanctuary. A labyrinth for parishioners to walk will also be installed in Palmer Hall during that middle week). The class will include discussion of some of the Lenten Lutheran chorales that we will be singing, which are some of the most beloved repertoire of our hymnody. In tandem with the class, Brent te Velde and Diana Chou will present an organ recital of works of J.S. Bach on April 4 at 7 p.m. which will include settings of some of the same Lutheran chorales.
Chris’ series takes place in Palmer Hall and no registration is required.
Thursday morning: Bible study
Through May 15 (no group on April 17) at 10 a.m. in Room 14
Through the spring, we are diving into the books of Genesis and Exodus. As we marvel at the ancient world, we will witness the origins of God’s covenant with humanity and learn how to participate in God’s covenantal life.
St. Stephen’s clergy share responsibility for facilitating this group. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary; attendance at every session is not required to participate. No registration is needed.
Special musical offerings during Lent
Labyrinth Concert featuring Sanctuary, the Compline choir
Wednesday, March 26 | 7 p.m. | TICKETS
For the first time, Sanctuary, our Compline Choir, will offer a concert during Lent. The program is inspired by the meditative practice of walking the labyrinth. This ancient practice has found new vitality in the 20th and 21st centuries as the labyrinth’s power for channeling self-awareness, finding peace, engendering gratitude, stimulating creative energy, and processing grief and trauma has changed countless lives. The program will reflect the three-part experience of walking the labyrinth: the release and spiritual trust of walking into the labyrinth; receiving the gifts of the labyrinth at its center; and returning to the world as one leaves the labyrinth. Portions of the program will be accompanied by flutist Amy Blake and sound bath musician Jim Morgan. The program will include music by Johannes Brahms, Hildegard von Bingen, Kerensa Briggs, Damon Daldridge, David Hurd, Michael McGlynn, Claudio Monteverdi, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Eric Whitacre. A labyrinth will be open to the public in Palmer Hall Chapel during the week of the concert, and more information will be shared in the new year about the practice of walking the labyrinth.
Music of J.S. Bach
Friday, April 4 | 7 p.m.
Brent te Velde and Diana Chou, organ
In celebration of Johann Sebastian Bach’s 340th birthday (March 31) Director of Music Brent te Velde and Associate Director of Music Diana Chou will present selected organ works by Bach. As a complement to a class that to be taught by Dr. Christopher Lindbloom on Lenten hymnody, the program will include chorale preludes by Bach setting some of the Lutheran chorales discussed in the class. The program will also include a variety of some of his most remarkable free works for solo organ, showcasing the life and legacy of the greatest composer for the organ. No admission charge
Musical Offering for Good Friday
Friday, April 18 | 5 p.m.
In addition to St. Stephen’s Good Friday service at noon and installation of the Stations of the Cross, we will present a special offering of music for this most solemn day. Soprano Lauren Clay and countertenor Quinn Bitsas, with Baroque instrumentalists Janelle Davis, Fiona Hughes, and Brady Lanier, will present Giovanni Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, a powerful setting of the 13th-century hymn commemorating Mary’s suffering during the crucifixion. Solo organ music will also be offered by Diana Chou and Brent te Velde. No admission charge